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This section is being revised pending the release of our new CEA Programs and Membership options. Announcements will be included in the Contrarian Entrepreneur Digest - please subscribe below:

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WCE book 2nd Edition

"I just read Tom's book, The Way of the Contrarian Entrepreneur. I believe every person should read this book, for business or for life. If everyone approached life this way, the world would be a better place. We would be better people. Society would evolve into a healthier state. We need this. Tom is a very interesting and caring person. I'd recommend you keep him on your radar."
~ Shireen Bawnlavery

"There are a million coaches out there, but there is only one Tom Harris. If you are looking for a coach who really wears the thinking hat, approaches things with a no-nonsense attitude, knows a thing or two about being an entrepreneur, and is a wonderful human being at the same time, look no further and give Tom a call."
~ Beatrice Phillips

"Tom was a joy to talk to. He has a tremendous amount of knowledge and freely shares with a genuine spirit of helping out others."
~ Kate Wiley

"If you are looking for a great coach, a great resource, a great networker and a great ambassador, you will find them all in Tom. I highly recommend Tom Harris!"
~ Laurel Hillton

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